Rancho Mesa News

Culture Works Gives Remote Recruiting Advice During Live Webinar
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Services Inc.
Social distancing is becoming our “normal” and many businesses have resorted to tele-commuting and doing more meetings remote. In the current employment climate, how can an employer be sure they’re hiring the right fit for the company, virtually? Thanks to Culture Works, on Tuesday, September 29th, 2020, Rancho Mesa clients got an in depth walk through of best practices for remote recruiting and interviewing in a live webinar.
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Services Inc.
Social distancing is becoming our “normal” and many businesses have resorted to tele-commuting and doing more meetings remote. In the current employment climate, how can an employer be sure they’re hiring the right fit for the company, virtually? Thanks to Culture Works, on Tuesday, September 29th, 2020, Rancho Mesa clients got an in depth walk through of best practices for remote recruiting and interviewing in a live webinar.
Kristi Pestore, CEO of Culture Works, and Melisa Meral, Culture Operations Specialist for Culture Works spent about an hour providing insight on how to execute effective remote interviews and how to attract and retain employees.
We are in a digital age, so getting a potential candidate to click on your job posting and then follow through with submitting an application can be difficult. Key things Kristi and Melisa mentioned are both monetary and non-monetary benefits. It’s as simple as asking your current employees what they like about their jobs. It usually has nothing to do with the wage, but about the company culture. Highlighting cultural things like quarterly group lunches or holiday events can spark interest, causing a potential candidate to inquire and learn more about the company and position.
Another important thing to remember when remotely interviewing is to be prepared. If you have multiple interviewers, make sure you are all on the same page prior to meeting. Do your research on the applicant, as well. It never hurts to do a quick search on popular business-based social media platforms to see how an applicant represents themselves online.
The webinar ended with a brief question and answer segment. Some of the questions asked were, how many interviews should you conduct with a candidate? Can we ask about their past wages? And, what are some suggestions for multiple candidate virtual interviews? To find out the answers to these questions and maybe get answers to some of your own questions, watch the recorded webinar.
To sign up for other Rancho Mesa webinars, visit our website at www.ranchomesa.com/workshops-and-webinars.