Rancho Mesa News

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Rancho Mesa Hosts SafetyOne™ Workshop for Human Services Industry

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, March 1, 2024 Rancho Mesa hosted Improve Your Human Services Operations with the SafetyOne™ Mobile App at our Mission Valley office.

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, March 1, 2024 Rancho Mesa hosted Improve Your Human Services Operations with the SafetyOne™ Mobile App at our Mission Valley office.

The workshop was presented by Alyssa Burley, Partner in the Media Communications and Client Services Group with Rancho Mesa. Burley detailed how application of the SafetyOne platform can bring organization operations to the next level with features such as mobile forms, audits, and a library of toolbox talks.

Burley shared examples of how the platform can be tailored to the human services industry and improve efficiency by digitizing paper-based processes and streamlining communication within the organization. Attendees were also able to participate during the presentation by scanning QR codes and testing out the different features for themselves.

To learn more information about getting started in SafetyOne, clients can reach out to their client technology coordinator, or join the waitlist for a new account.

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Employee Spotlight, Human Services, News Guest User Employee Spotlight, Human Services, News Guest User

Employee Spotlight: Jack Marrs Joins Rancho Mesa

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications & Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack is Rancho Mesa’s newest pick.

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications & Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

Image of Jack Marrs.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack is Rancho Mesa’s newest pick.

The Human Services Group at Rancho Mesa welcomes Jack Marrs as its newest Associate Account Executive. 

Jack came to Rancho Mesa in early August and is a 4th generation insurance professional. He will be working alongside Sam Brown, Vice President of the Human Services Group.

Jack is a San Diego native and grew up near the coast. Besides enjoying the beach and catching a wave, here and there, you can find him cruising the streets or tinkering on his 2002 Harley-Davidson.

We are excited to have Jack and his enthusiasm for the industry.

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RM365, News, Press Release Guest User RM365, News, Press Release Guest User

StudioOne™ Podcast Downloads Increase 745% in One Month

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services’ StudioOne™ Safety and Risk Management Podcast network broke 500 listens and continues to increase rapidly! The podcast surpassed a massive 745% increase in downloads and streams from April to May.

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of earphones laying on tables with cellphone and laptop.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services’ StudioOne™ Safety and Risk Management Podcast network broke 500 listens and continues to increase rapidly! The podcast surpassed a massive 745% increase in downloads and streams from April to May.

The podcast series not only addresses safety and risk management issues that can affect a business's bottom line, but covers topics such as the effects of COVID-19 on the insurance marketplace, new executive orders, industry specific best practices, and more!

Subscribe to the StudioOne™ Safety and Risk Management Network podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, or Spotify to never miss an episode!

To find the StudioOne™ podcast in any of the above apps on your mobile device, type in “StudioOne Safety and Risk” in the search box. You can also listen from your computer by visiting www.RanchoMesa.com/StudioOne or anchor.fm/ranchomesa.

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