Rancho Mesa News

Rancho Mesa Educates Contractors at San Diego Airport Authority's 'Meet the Primes' Event
Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Wednesday, October 17th, 2018, the San Diego Airport Authority hosted a “Meet the Primes” event at The Scottish Rite Center.
The event was designed to help contractors and vendors build their “business by forming relationships between [their] business and the Airport Authority, and obtain valuable resources,” according to the San Diego Airport Authority.
Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Wednesday, October 17th, 2018, the San Diego Airport Authority hosted a “Meet the Primes” event at The Scottish Rite Center.
The event was designed to help contractors and vendors build their “business by forming relationships between [their] business and the Airport Authority, and obtain valuable resources,” according to the San Diego Airport Authority.
Rancho Mesa’s Andy Roberts did an excellent job educating contractors and subcontractors on what it takes to get a bonding program started. He also explained the steps they can take to increase their bonding capacity with a surety company once the program is put into place.
Rancho Mesa’s Kevin Howard was busy speaking to guests about the 2019 Experience Modification Formula changes which is important for contractors to understand if they plan on bidding work for the Airport Authority.
The San Diego Airport Authority has a very strict policy regarding experience modification acceptance. Contractors or vendors who would like to conduct work for the Airport Authority must have an experience modification of 1.00 or less, to stay eligible.
With the 2019 changes creating an entirely new formula, the questions were flying and Kevin invited guests to Rancho Mesa’s November 8th webinar that will educate viewers on the 2019 changes and how they will affect California employers.
For more information, register online for the November 8th, 2018 webinar.
Rancho Mesa's Sam Brown Presents at Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance
On Thursday, February 16, Sam Brown, Vice President, Human Services Group at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, presented2017 Workers’ Comp Updates, How it Affects CA Employers to the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance, San Diego Chapter (AFWA) at the Bali Hai Restaurant.
On Thursday, February 16, Sam Brown, Vice President, Human Services Group at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, presented2017 Workers’ Comp Updates, How it Affects CA Employers to the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance, San Diego Chapter (AFWA) at the Bali Hai Restaurant.
Mr. Brown covered the most prominent changes to the California Workers’ Compensation system to help decision makers navigate their policy renewals and plan 2017 safety efforts. Such topics included AB 2883’s changes to the definition of “employee”, First Aid reporting requirements, the 2017 Experience Modification Formula change, and the impact of Proposition 64 (recreational Marijuana) in the workplace.
The AFWA was formed in 1938 originally as the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA) with the goal of increasing the opportunities for women in all fields of accounting and finance. The first chapter was chartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The mission of the San Diego chapter of AFWA is to enable women in all accounting and related fields to achieve their full personal, professional and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.
Please contact Sam Brown at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services if you have questions about the presentation topics or wish to inquire about future speaking engagements.