Rancho Mesa News

Rancho Mesa Celebrates Launch of New Agency Management System
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services.
With champagne and cheers, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc., a twelve-time Best Practices Agency, celebrates a successful migration from Applied Systems’ TAM agency management system to Applied Systems’ Epic®. To ensure the company continues to stay ahead of the pack with the latest technology, sixteen months ago, the decision was made to upgrade the agency’s internal system.
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services.
With champagne and cheers, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc., a twelve-time Best Practices Agency, celebrates a successful migration from Applied Systems’ TAM agency management system to Applied Systems’ Epic®. To ensure the company continues to stay ahead of the pack with the latest technology, sixteen months ago, the decision was made to upgrade the agency’s internal system.
The migration process was a labor of love for members of the implementation team, Kim Vasquez and Lori Stone. Without them, this process would not have gone so smoothly.
The implementation team worked for over a year and a half to ensure the transition went off without a hitch. Their diligence and attention to detail was not only to ensure staff were well-trained and prepared for the new system, but also to ensure that Rancho Mesa clients saw no disruption in service.
“I’m so proud of everyone’s dedication, hard work and the overall effort it required to insure that this is yet another OneofOne moment for Rancho Mesa – Cheers!,” said Dave Garcia, President and CEO at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
After months of intense preparation and weeks of online and in-person training, Rancho Mesa’s staff is well prepared and eager to dive into using the new agency management system.