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Fighting Fraud within the CA Workers’ Compensation System: Workshop Recap

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, September 22 attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s office in Mission Valley for an informative workshop, Fighting Fraud within the CA Workers’ Compensation System, presented by Chris Dill from ICW Group.

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, September 22 attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s office in Mission Valley for an informative workshop, Fighting Fraud within the CA Workers’ Compensation System, presented by Chris Dill from ICW Group.

This was the first workshop to be held in Rancho Mesa’s new Mission Valley office since the team made the move from Santee in April 2023. Clients enjoyed donuts and fresh coffee while they learned about common workers’ compensation schemes in the construction industry and ways employers can prevent them.

Dill explained how fraudsters earn $34 billion per year and makeup 16% of claims. With California as one of the most prevalent states for fraud, he outlined how both employees and medical providers can commit these crimes. Dill ultimately emphasized the difference between the symptoms and the disease when fighting workers’ compensation fraud within your company.

“The suspect workers’ claims that you see [are] just symptoms, right? You start seeing more of those? That means the disease – there's more going on, so you have to address the disease… [and] there’s factors that make it more likely that the disease will develop at your location,” Dill said.  

Rancho Mesa was pleased the workshop not only allowed clients to learn important information, but also gave them the opportunity to visit the new office and mingle with both Rancho Mesa team members and fellow attendees.

Our next workshop is Control Your Insurance Costs with a Captive on Friday, October 20, held at the Rancho Mesa Mission Valley office.

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