Rancho Mesa News

Rancho Mesa Hosts Captive Workshop at Mission Valley Office
Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, October 20, 2023 attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Mission Valley office conference room for Control Your Insurance Costs With a Captive Workshop, presented by Doug Hayden of Captive Resources.
Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Information provided by Captive Resources, LLC.
On Friday, October 20, 2023 attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Mission Valley office conference room for Control Your Insurance Costs With a Captive Workshop, presented by Doug Hayden of Captive Resources.
Hayden outlined the benefits of entering an insurance captive and how it can help organizations manage their insurance costs while clients enjoyed light refreshments and asked questions.
The presentation offered an in-depth understanding of the captive business model and how members play a role in the process, allowing for open discussion.
Rancho Mesa values offering accessible and informative workshops such as these monthly. Our next seminar is the 2024 Employment Law Update webinar on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
About Captive Resources, LLC
Captive Resources’ mission is to help companies control their insurance costs through the member-owned group captive model. Their industry-leading insurance professionals support every aspect of the group captives they advise, from claims advocacy to operational oversight, risk management, financial services, investment services and more.
Rancho Mesa Hosts Captive Workshop
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Thursday, April 20, attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Santee office conference room for Control Your Insurance Costs with a Captive Workshop, presented by Doug Hayden of Captive Resources.
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Information provided by Captive Resources.
On Thursday, April 20, attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Santee office conference room for the Control Your Insurance Costs with a Captive Workshop, presented by Doug Hayden of Captive Resources.
Hayden explained the benefits of entering a captive and how it can help organizations manage their insurance costs while clients enjoyed a complimentary sandwich lunch.
The presentation welcomed interaction as attendees asked questions regarding how captives work and Rancho Mesa account executives commented on ways their clients have fiscally benefitted from captives.
Rancho Mesa values offering accessible and informative workshops such as these monthly. Our next upcoming workshop is Fleet Safety: Above and Beyond Compliance on Thursday, May 18. Register today.
About Captive Resources
Our mission is to help companies control their insurance costs through the member-owned group captive model. Our industry-leading insurance professionals support every aspect of the group captives they advise, from claims advocacy to operational oversight, risk management, financial services, investment services and more.
Rancho Mesa Welcomes Back In-Person Workshops with Captive Resources
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Thursday, April 28, Rancho Mesa held its Control Your Insurance Costs with a Captive Workshop at the Mission Trails Visitor Center, the first in-person workshop in two years.
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Information provided by Captive Resources.
On Thursday, April 28, Rancho Mesa held its Control Your Insurance Costs with a Captive Workshop at the Mission Trails Visitor Center, the first in-person workshop in two years.
Captive Resources’ Doug Hayden explained the benefits of business involvement in a captive to attendees while they enjoyed light refreshments amidst the beautiful hills of Mission Trails Regional Park.
Captive Resources is an independent consultant insurance firm that represents over 5,500 shareholders and exceeds $3.1 billion in combined premiums for its clients.
In his workshop, Hayden shared how captives work and offered advice on ways businesses can get the most out of them. Captives are a valuable way companies can achieve both professional and fiscal success through controlling their insurance premiums, Hayden explained
Rancho Mesa is excited to reintroduce in-person seminars such as these for its clients, and looks forward to hosting future workshops, this year.
The next live webinar is Fleet Safety: Above and Beyond Compliance on Thursday, May 26. Register today.
About Captive Resources
Our mission is to help companies control their insurance costs through the member-owned group captive model. Our industry-leading insurance professionals support every aspect of the group captives they advise, from claims advocacy to operational oversight, risk management, financial services, investment services and more. For more information, visit www.captiveresources.com.
Captive Resources LLC Educates Rancho Mesa Clients at Captive Insurance Workshop
Author, Lauren Stumpf , Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc .
On Tuesday, April 16, 2019, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Workshop at the Boys & Girls Club of East County in Santee, CA.
Doug Hayden from Captive Resources, LLC, discussed the captive model as a viable insurance option to local business owners.
Author, Lauren Stumpf , Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc .
On Tuesday, April 16, 2019, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Workshop at the East County Boys & Girls Club in Santee, CA.
Doug Hayden from Captive Resources, LLC, discussed the captive model as a viable insurance option for local business owners. A captive is designed for companies that are not only interested in controlling insurance costs and retaining investment income, but obtaining high quality coverage and insurance related services.
About Captive Resources, LLC
Captive Resources is an independent captive consulting company providing businesses the opportunity to control their insurance costs through the creation and oversight of member-owned group captive insurance companies. They have a time-tested approach that balances potential risk, and profit, arising from businesses’ insurance programs. Rancho Mesa has partnered with Captive Resources in offering their programs to our best customers. For more information, visit www.captiveresources.com.
Before the workshop began, Jen Murdoch announced the upcoming 2019 Golf Day hosted by East County Boys & Girls Club on July 12, 2019. For for information please visit https://bgcec.org/event/2019-golf-day/.
Expand Your Understanding of Captive Insurance Options
Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Sam Clayton, Vice President of the Construction Group at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services discusses the captive insurance option and upcoming workshop.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the East County Boys & Girls Club located at 8820 Tamberly Way, Santee CA 92071.
Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Sam Clayton, Vice President of the Construction Group at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services discusses the captive insurance option and upcoming workshop.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the East County Boys & Girls Club located at 8820 Tamberly Way, Santee CA 92071.
To register visit www.RanchoMesa.com/workshops or follow the registration link below.
Captive Resources Educates Rancho Mesa Clients at Workshop
Author Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Thursday, May 17, 2017, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Workshop at San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
Author Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Thursday, May 17, 2018, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Workshop at San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
The presenter, Doug Hayden from Captive Resources, LLC, discussed the captive model as a viable insurance option for local businesses.
A captive is designed for companies that are not only interested in controlling insurance costs and retaining investment income, but obtaining high quality coverage and insurance related services.
About Captive Resources
Captive Resources specializes in the creation and administration of member-owned captive insurance companies. They have a time-tested approach that balances potential risk, and profit, arising from businesses’ insurance programs. Recently Rancho Mesa has partnered with Captive Resources in offering their programs to our best customers. For more information, visit www.captiveresources.com.
Photos by Alyssa Burley.
Captive Resources LLC Educates Business Owners At Rancho Mesa Workshop
Author Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, February 24, 2017, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Company Workshop at the TMI offices on Murphy Canyon Road in San Diego, CA.
The presenter, Doug Hayden from Captive Resources, LLC, discussed the captive model as an insurance option for local businesses.
Author Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, February 24, 2017, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Captive Insurance Company Workshop at the TMI offices on Murphy Canyon Road in San Diego, CA.
The presenter, Doug Hayden from Captive Resources, LLC, discussed the captive model as an insurance option for local businesses.
A captive is designed for companies that are not only interested in controlling insurance costs and retaining investment income, but obtaining high quality coverage and insurance related services.
About Captive Resources
Captive Resources specializes in the creation and administration of member-owned captive insurance companies. They have a time-tested approach that balances potential risk, and profit, arising from businesses’ insurance programs. Recently Rancho Mesa has partnered with Captive Resources in offering their programs to our best customers.
Visit the Workshops page for information on future workshop topics.
Photos by Alyssa Burley.