SafetyOne™ Updates: Embedded Links Added to Observation Questions

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Recently, SafetyOne™ has released an update that allows users to add links to custom Observation questions.

In the Administrator website, when clients create their own questions for the Observation feature, they will now have the ability to link a website URL. When employees conduct the Observation on the mobile app, they will be able to follow the link in the custom question. Users can also add a share link to a file either stored in SafetyOne’s File Cabinet or any online file storage site. 

Rancho Mesa continuously strives to meet the needs of our client’s operations. This update was made as a result of client feedback to expand Observation feature function.

Our Frequently Asked Questions page on the Rancho Mesa website has a step-by-step guide detailing to add these links to Observations. Clients can also contact their client technology coordinator for further questions. 


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