Rancho Mesa Hosts Ladder Safety Workshop

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, March 22, 2024, attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Mission Valley office for the Ladder Safety workshop, presented by Rick Sanchez and Lito Reyes, Senior Loss Control Consultants with CompWest Insurance.

Sanchez and Reyes highlighted the different types of ladders and their intended uses as well as important ways companies can control their risk for ladder-related accidents.

“Ladder accidents and ladder violations are in the top 10 most common types of violations in [Cal/OSHA’s] book,” Sanchez said. “The three most common things that they see is incorrect use, improper setup, and poor condition.”

The presenters showed photos taken in the field of incorrect ladder use and encouraged the audience to point out what was wrong.

“All of these photos support the fact that [majority] of accidents on the job result from unsafe behavior, not the equipment, not physical hazards but unsafe behavior so it's really important to reinforce proper use and awareness and hold people accountable,” Reyes said.

Rancho Mesa values providing educational workshops in order to assist clients in keeping their employees safe and manage their overall risk.


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