Rancho Mesa’s Rory Anderson Guest on Tree Industry Podcast

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa’s Rory Anderson, Account Executive of the Tree Care Group, was recently a guest on The IndusTREE Podcast.

Host, ArboRisk founder, Eric Petersen was joined by Mick Kelly of ArboRisk Insurance, and Rory to discuss insurance issues that tree care companies face. They did a deep dive into the current state of the industry and the rising costs, during a time when underwriting acceptability is decreasing.

They also discussed professional liability, employment practices liability, pollution coverages, and ways tree care companies can lower their auto premium.

Rory periodically appears on Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™ Safety and Risk Management Podcast Network where he addresses risk management for the tree care industry. Listen to episodes on RanchoMesa.com or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

About The IndusTREE Podcast
The IndusTREE Podcast is a podcast for tree care companies looking to grow their business by learning from industry professionals! Episodes include discussions on topics ranging from hiring & recruiting, business planning, sales & marketing, safety, driver, fleet, injury management, and much more.


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