Rancho Mesa Supports NAWIC San Diego 1st Annual Paula Covert Memorial Golf Tournament

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications & Client Services Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, July 21, 2023 the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) San Diego Chapter held its 1st Annual Paula Covert Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament is named in honor of the past NAWIC San Diego Chapter President who founded the original NAWIC San Diego golf tournaments, which ran for 13 years.

All proceeds raised from the tournament are donated to the Future Construction Leaders Foundation and Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego.

Rancho Mesa had the pleasure of sponsoring a hole and providing players with snacks, cold drinks, games, and a prize drawing. Garon Smith from Dynalectric San Diego was named the prizewinner of Rancho Mesa’s giveaway which included a Yeti Soft Cooler, 2 Yeti Wine Tumblers, 2 bottles of wine, and other small gifts.

About National Association of Women in Construction San Diego Chapter
The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) San Diego Chapter, chartered on April 30, 1959, is very active and involved in the construction industry and the community. Each year the chapter participates in a variety of events including educational seminars and conferences, Women in Construction Week (WIC Week), Block Kids (construction awareness program for children in grades 1 thru 6), CAD/Design/Drafting Contest (High School student activity), Camp NAWIC (a week long program designed to mentor high school girls planning to enter the construction industry), college scholarships, joint meetings with other San Diego professional organizations, and various activities with local charities. For more information, visit www.nawicsd.org.


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