Rancho Mesa Offers Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshop

Author Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.


On Thursday, February 16, 2017, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshop on the campus of San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.  

The presenter, Michael Valenzano from Equal Parts Consulting, discussed harassment prevention techniques, practical examples with an open discussion, and an overview of supervisor and company response requirements.

In California, AB 1825 requires employers with fifty or more employees to provide all employees with supervisory responsibilities with interactive training about sexual harassment prevention.  The training is required every two years or within six months of someone being promoted into a supervisory role.  In addition, AB 2053 now requires the training must now include discussion about abusive conduct prevention. 


Visit the Workshops page for information on future workshop topics.

Photos by Alyssa Burley.


Rancho Mesa Hosts Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshop


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