Unraveling Residential Exclusions: Navigating General Liability in Construction

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In Episode 339 of Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™ podcast, Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton interviews Executive Vice President Daniel Frazee as they discuss the importance of Residential Exclusions in General Liability (GL) Policies for companies in the construction industry.

Sam and Daniel highlight how these exclusions impact coverage for various types of residential work within the construction industry, such as single-family homes, apartments, and more. Daniel emphasizes the need for construction firms to be specific about the type and location of their residential work, as different carriers have varying interpretations of residential exclusions. He also touches on Wrap/OCIP policies, which can provide broader coverage for subcontractors working on residential projects.

The episode highlights the significance of understanding existing residential exclusions for Rancho Mesa construction clients and suggests considering a policy audit to ensure proper coverage.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into navigating residential exclusions and their implications for construction businesses, urging listeners to proactively manage their insurance coverage.

Episode 339 can be listened to below, or on your favorite listening platform. If you would like more information, please contact Daniel Frazee at dfrazee@ranchomesa.com, or Sam Clayton at sclayton@ranchomesa.com.


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