Training Supervisors on Workplace Injury Protocol Can Improve Claim Outcomes

Author, Sam Brown, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

California employers work hard to maintain a safe workplace, but accidents and injuries can occur. While human resources professionals typically have an excellent understanding of the workers’ compensation claim process, proper supervisor training can improve workers’ compensation outcomes for employers and their injured workers.

Supervisors are often the first to become aware of a workplace injury. Without proper training a supervisor may have the best of intentions, but can create problems by not following company protocols. Sound supervisor training may include:

  • How to Get the Injured Worker Medical Attention
    Supervisors should know the designated medical provider or understand how and when to direct an employee to use telephonic nurse triage services. The supervisor should know what information the provider will need and, if necessary, how the injured worker should be transported to the medical provider’s physical location.

  • Internal Communication
    Supervisors must know how to initiate documenting a workplace injury and how to notify the proper parties of the incident. What incident report should be used? Are witness statements important? Who needs to know of the incident as soon as possible? Whose responsibility is it to report the claim to the insurance company?

  • Effective Communication
    A supervisor setting a tone of empathy immediately following a workplace injury can lead to positive outcomes and reduce the likelihood of litigation. Effective communication can even reduce claim frequency. A study by Shaw, et al., shows how four hours of supervisor training on communication skills and accommodation for workers reporting health concerns produced “a 47% reduction in new claims and an 18% reduction in active lost-time claims.”

Well-designed training can greatly improve workers’ compensation claim outcomes when supervisors follow company protocols, get injured workers medical care, and practice effective communication in the workplace.

Rancho Mesa has developed downloadable forms for the Supervisor’s Report of Employee Accident or Near Miss, and Witness’ Statement to help collect important information about an accident.

For more information on effective workers’ compensation programs, please contact me at or (619) 937-0175.


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