California SB 1343 Expands Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on November 15, 2018 and has been updated for accuracy on September 12, 2019.

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc,

Words: “Harassment” and related words on the screen.

On September 30, 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown, approved Senate Bill 1343 (SB 1343), which expands rules for required sexual harassment prevention training for businesses.

According to the passing of Senate Bill 778, approved on August 30, 2019, by January 1, 2021, employers with 5 more employees must provide at least 2 hours of sexual harassment prevention training and at least 1 hour of training to non-supervisory employees every 2 years.

The bill requires “the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) to develop or obtain 1-hour and 2-hour online training courses on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, as specified, and to post the courses on the department’s Internet Web site. The bill also requires the department to make existing informational posters and fact sheets, as well as the online training courses regarding sexual harassment prevention, available to employers and to members of the public in specified alternate languages on the department’s Internet Web site.” However, the DFEH currently does not have the required training materials available, as of yet.

Rancho Mesa offers free Anti-Harassment training to all of its clients’ supervisors and employees throughout the country in response to California’s Senate Bill 1343 (SB 1343) and Senate Bill 1300 (SB 1300). The deadline for this training is January 1, 2021, according to Senate Bill 778.

Until the DFEH releases its supervisor and employee sexual harassment prevention trainings, Rancho Mesa recommends devising a training schedule/plan for your supervisors and employees in order to meet the January 1, 2021 deadline.

Resources: SB-1343 Employers: sexual harassment training: requirements SB-778 Employers: sexual harassment training: requirements

For questions about this training requirement or to learn how to enroll your supervisors and employees, register for the “How to Enroll Supervisors and Employees in the Online Anti-Harassment Training” webinar or contact Rancho Mesa’s Client Services Department at (619) 438-6869.


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