Workers' Compensation Dual Wage Thresholds Increases for Construction Classes in 2018

Author David J. Garcia, C.R.I.S., A.A.I., President Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Updated September 15, 2017

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau has confirmed the following increases for the 2018 dual wage construction classifications.  
California - Tools.png

Originally published on May 12, 2017.

In an effort to keep you informed, so that you can begin to plan your 2018 budget, we wanted to let you know of a potential change in the dual wage classes, for many but not all, the dual wage construction class codes.

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau is proposing increases in the wage threshold for ten different construction industry dual wage classifications and is likely to recommend an increase in an eleventh, by the time it releases its 2018 regulatory filing, next month. The proposed increases range from $1.00 to $2.00 per hour, to keep the thresholds in line with wage inflation. See the chart below for the actual changes.

Dual Wage Thresholds

Classification Current Threshold Recommended Threshold Threshold Difference Last Changed
5027/5028 Masonry $27 $27 $0 2013
5190/5140 Electrical Wiring $30 $32 $2 2014
5183/5187 Plumbing $26 $26 $0 2014
5185-5186 Automatic Sprinkler Installation $27 $27 $0 2009
5201-5205 Concrete or Cement Work $24 $25 $1 2009
5403/5432 Carpentry $30 $32 $2 2016
5446/5447 Wallboard Application $33 $34 $1 2016
5467/5470 Glaizers $31 $31/further study $1 2016
5474/5482 Painting/Waterproofing $24 $26 $2 2009
5484/5485 Plastering or Stucco Work $27 $29 $2 2014
5538/5542 Sheet Metal Work $27 $27 $2 2009
5552/5553 Roofing $23 $25 $2 2009
5632/5633 Steel Framing $30 $31 $1 2016
6218/6220 Excavation/Grading/Land Leveling $30 $31 $1 2014
6307/6308 Sewer Construction $30 $31 $2 2014
6315/6316 Water/Gas Mains $30 $31 $2 2014
Table Source:

Rancho Mesa will keep you informed should the proposed 2018 change go into effect.  If you have any questions, please give us a call at (619) 937-0164.

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