How to Prevent Back Injuries in the Landscape Industry

Author, Drew Garcia, with Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, is the program director for NALP’s Worker’s Compensation Program

According to the Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB), in the last 5 years, over a quarter of a billion dollars in back injury claims, on behalf of the landscape industry, have been paid out by carriers in California.  The back claim is by far the most costly injury at $22,000 over the last five years and the second highest in terms of frequency (behind hand, wrist and finger injuries), and the leading claim resulting in an employee's time away from work. 


  • Back claims are most costly.
  • They are the second most frequent claim reported.
  • They are the leading claim resulting in an employee losing time away from work.


  • Has your company had a back injury in the past?
  • What are you doing to protect the backs of your employees?
  • Would it be worth your time to consider ways to mitigate this exposure?


Implementing a pre-work stretch, when done properly, is a quick and effective solution to reduce the likelihood of back injuries.  The following stretch program was designed to stretch the back with Professional Landscapers in mind.  The program can be executed in minimal time, at any location (yard or on-site) and will not only help employees warm up for the day, but also strengthen their back to help maintain a healthy career.


By implementing a stretch you are:

  • Showing your employees that you care about their health and have explored an option to help keep them safe.
  • Differentiating your companies risk profile against the industry to help enforce aggressive underwriting.
  • Looking for a way to improve employee productivity while potentially decreasing insurance cost directly related to claims.

Closing the "Gaps in Coverage" When Using Temporary or Leased Labor


Why are hand injuries the most frequent claim reported in the Landscape Industry?