Testimonial, Human Services, RM5 Alyssa Burley Testimonial, Human Services, RM5 Alyssa Burley

David Carucci, United Cerebal Palsy of San Diego County

David Carucci, United Cerebal Palsy of San Diego County

“Since we have been a client of Rancho Mesa, Dave Garcia and his staff have helped us here at UCP be better at managing our employee needs for safety training and injury awareness. They have on many occasions brought us new and innovative ways to manage our insurance costs, keep our staff safe and make certain that we are always in a position to point our efforts at what matters the most … serving persons with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and their families here in our community. In plain English, they are innovative, professional and they care!”

Since we have been a client of Rancho Mesa, Dave Garcia and his staff have helped us here at UCP be better at managing our employee needs for safety training and injury awareness. They have on many occasions brought us new and innovative ways to manage our insurance costs, keep our staff safe and make certain that we are always in a position to point our efforts at what matters the most … serving persons with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and their families here in our community. In plain English, they are innovative, professional and they care!”

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Human Services, Testimonial, RM3 Alyssa Burley Human Services, Testimonial, RM3 Alyssa Burley

Bruce Neufeld, CFO, United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

Bruce Neufeld, CFO, United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

"You think outside the box and come up with ways of improving and preventing issues from arising. You are the Best!"

Bruce Neufeld, CFO, United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

"You think outside the box and come up with ways of improving and preventing issues from arising.  You are the Best!"

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Human Services, Testimonial, RM2 Alyssa Burley Human Services, Testimonial, RM2 Alyssa Burley

Bruce Neufeld, CFO, United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

Bruce Neufeld, CFO, United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

"The team you have built is top notch.  Every interaction I have with your staff has immediate responses with accurate useful information."

"The team you have built is top notch.  Every interaction I have with your staff has immediate responses with accurate useful information."

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