Human Services, Rancho Mesa, Testimonial, RM5 Alyssa Burley Human Services, Rancho Mesa, Testimonial, RM5 Alyssa Burley

Dave Carucci, Executive Director, UCP of San Diego County

Dave Carucci, Executive Director, UCP of San Diego County
“For many years now, Dave Garcia and his staff has been a great partner with UCP.  The firm has helped us control our insurance costs with innovative programs and meticulous follow-up, and that means more dollars go into our program services through reduced premiums.  The company continues to maintain a high level of professional standards with us and is also very supportive of the mission of our agency.  We’re pleased and proud to be working with Rancho Mesa.”

Dave Carucci, Executive Director, UCP of San Diego County
“For many years now, Dave Garcia and his staff has been a great partner with UCP.  The firm has helped us control our insurance costs with innovative programs and meticulous follow-up, and that means more dollars go into our program services through reduced premiums.  The company continues to maintain a high level of professional standards with us and is also very supportive of the mission of our agency.  We’re pleased and proud to be working with Rancho Mesa.”

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