Ep. 462 Winter Slip and Fall Prevention

Rancho Mesa’s Alyssa Burley and Client Technology Coordinator, Brenda Khalil, discuss slip and fall prevention for the winter months.

Show Notes: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter⁠⁠⁠⁠

Host: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Alyssa Burley

Guest: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Brenda Khalil⁠⁠

Editor: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Jadyn Brandt

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2024. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


AB: Welcome back everyone. My guest is Brenda Khalil, Client Technology Coordinator with Rancho Mesa. Today, we’re going to discuss slip and fall prevention for winter months.

Brenda, welcome to the show.

Brenda Khalil: Thanks Alyssa, happy to be here.

AB: Now, we know wet or icy surfaces and snow build-up that comes with cold winter weather also means a potential increase in slip and fall accidents. It’s not always easy to spot ice that has formed on walkways, stairs and building entrances, and workers may unknowingly step on dangerous patches of ice. And, if snow builds up on walkways, it can obscure tripping hazards like curbs or cracks in the sidewalk. So Brenda, how can employers raise awareness of these types of potential slip and fall hazards?

BK: Well, one way to raise employee awareness all winter long is through a safety campaign. Regular safety reminders and updates can help keep slip and fall prevention on an employee’s radar, until temperatures warm up again. Employers can communicate potential hazards to their team through physical signage, email alerts, and proper safety training. Signage can be posted in employee common areas, as well as in places where snow or ice may accumulate, alerting workers to the potential hazards around them. Also, safety trainings should be assigned to team members who will be working in winter conditions. And, regular email reminders should be sent to team members that include safety tips for anyone working in the ice or snow.

AB: Right, and reminding employees of possible hazards is definitely important. So what are some safety tips that employers can share with their team members to help keep them safe?

BK: Good question. There are a lot of tips that employers can share with their employees, but I’ll just share a few examples. Proper footwear is essential to prevent slips and falls. Boots with enough tread--or ice cleats--should be worn when working outside in winter conditions.

Although, even when wearing the proper footwear, be sure to walk carefully. Remind employees to adjust their pace when walking on areas that could be slippery. It’s best to take slow, small steps and pay attention to the ground in front of you.

A safe and clear route to building entrances should also be marked for employees. Employers should remind their team to follow these marked routes and not take any shortcuts, because these could be dangerous.

And employees should also be reminded to keep their hands free by using backpacks and bags, to help keep them stable while walking, so they are able to brace themselves in case of a fall.

AB: Yeah and those are all great tips. And, preventing slips and falls often requires a proactive approach from both employers and employees. And, Rancho Mesa has a variety of toolbox talks available through the SafetyOne™ platform that can be utilized in order to prepare them for winter-related hazards. Just search the word “Slip” and you’ll find everything that you need.

So Brenda, if listeners have questions about the available safety trainings and toolbox talks for slip and fall prevention, what’s the best way to get in contact with you?

BK: Clients can contact me at bkhalil@ranchomesa.com or call me directly at (619) 486-6562.

AB: All right, well Brenda, thanks for joining me in StudioOne™.

BK: Thanks for having me!


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