Ep. 450 Enhanced Flexibility of SafetyOne Observations with New Wildcard Field
Rancho Mesa’s Alyssa Burley and Client Technology Coordinator, Brenda Khalil, discuss the changes that were recently made to the Observation Module in the SafetyOne™ platform.
Show Notes: Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter
Host: Alyssa Burley
Guest: Brenda Khalil
Editor: Jadyn Brandt
Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence
© Copyright 2024. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved
AB: Welcome back everyone. My guest is Brenda Khalil, Client Technology Coordinator with Rancho Mesa. Today, we’re going to discuss the changes that were recently made to the Observation Module in the SafetyOne™ platform.
Brenda, welcome to the show.
BK: Thanks Alyssa, happy to be here!
AB: So, users of both the SafetyOne™ administrator website and mobile app will now see a redesigned Observations user interface.
So, walk us through this latest update to the administrator website.
BK: Sure, SafetyOne™ administrators are now able to create a custom text field, that we’re calling a wildcard field, that is added to an observation in the SafetyOne™ mobile app. And this new field can be set as active or inactive and it can also be required or not required.
AB: So, how might this new wildcard field be used?
BK: Great question. We’ve heard from our clients that while they are performing their safety observations, they would like a place to document specific information that may be unique to their company’s process.
For example, when you’re in the field conducting a fall protection observation, and this applies to all the observations, you already have the ability to make notes on the individual questions and general notes on the entire observation, but there previously wasn’t a place to indicate specific identifiers that might be useful when analyzing the data across multiple reports. So we added a wildcard field that the administrator gets to determine what the field is used for.
Some clients are using it to track phases of work, a specific building on a campus, room numbers, or logging permit numbers. The uses are really endless.
AB: So, how does the administrator setup the wildcard field?
BK: This is really easy actually. In the administrator website, on the Observations screen, there is a new “Settings” tab that now includes the Observation report format options that used to be in the Administration screen, plus the new wildcard field settings.
In this tab, the administrator can tell SafetyOne™ what the label of the wildcard field should be in the SafetyOne™ mobile app. So, if you want your employees to enter the permit number, label it “Permit Number.” Or, “Building Identifier,” whichever works best for you.
AB: So what if they don’t need to use the wildcard field?
BK: No problem. They can just uncheck the “Active” box and it won’t show up on the Observation screen in the mobile app anymore. And if you choose to use the wildcard field, you can make it required or optional.
AB: All right, well Brenda, if users have questions about the changes to the Observation Module, what’s the best way to get in touch with you?
BK: Clients can contact me at bkhalil@ranchomesa.com or call me directly at (619) 486-6562.
AB: All right, well Brenda, thank you for joining me in StudioOne.
BK: Thanks for having me!