Ep. 298 Best Practices for Collecting COI via SafetyOne™ Mobile Forms

Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Media Communications & Client Services Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss best practices for collecting certificates of insurance utilizing the SafetyOne™ platform’s mobile forms.

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SafetyOne™ App

Director/Host: Alyssa Burley

Guest: Lauren Stumpf

Producer/Editor: Megan Lockhart

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2023. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


[Introduction Music]

Alyssa Burley: Hi! This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa’s Media Communications and Client Services Department. Thank you for listening to today’s top Rancho Mesa news brought to you by our safety and risk management network, StudioOne™. Welcome back, everyone. My guest is Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications and Client Services Specialist with Rancho Mesa. Today, we’re going to talk about best practices for collecting certificates of insurance utilizing the SafetyOne™ platform’s mobile forms. Lauren, welcome to the show.

Lauren Stumpf: Hi Alyssa, it’s good to be back.

AB: For listeners who aren’t too familiar with the new SafetyOne™ app, will you give us a brief summary or overview of the mobile forms to provide a little bit of context for what we’re talking about today?

LS: Yeah, of course. The SafetyOne™ app is both a mobile application designed to allow our clients to implement effective safety programs from their mobile devices, and it includes a website where employees can complete online safety training, but it also gives administrators a place to manage their data that is collected via the mobile app. Mobile forms allow the app user to complete forms from their mobile device. There’s a library of forms to choose from, or the administrator can create custom forms based on the information they need to collect from the end user. For example, mobile forms can be used to collect data for an accident investigation, a daily jobsite report, or other data and files. When building a mobile form, the administrator chooses the type of information they want to collect, like an address using the device’s GPS, or a photo using the device’s camera. They can even allow the end user to upload a file. And that’s where the collecting of certificates of insurance via a mobile form can streamline the entire process.

AB: When might an organization need to collect a certificate of insurance or COI?

LS: Well, for our construction and landscape clients, if they are using a sub-contractor for a portion of a job, they’ll need to collect that sub-contractor’s COI proving they have the required coverage identified in the contract. For our human services clients, they may need to collect a COI from a vendor providing a service like facility cleaning or coaching for youth sports. Regardless of the industry, there will be times where organizations will be bringing in outside vendors or contractors to perform a service or work.

AB: Ok, so if the organization needs to collect the COI from a sub-contractor or vendor, does the contractor need the SafetyOne™ app on their mobile device in order to submit the COI?

LS: No, they won’t need the app on their device. The mobile forms are really versatile in that they can be accessed via URL, QR Code or through the mobile app. So, if you are requesting a COI from a sub-contractor or vendor, you could email them and include the link to the COI request form. Once they get your email, they’ll click on the link, complete the information you’ve requested, including uploading the COI PDF. Then, all of that information is then captured in the SafetyOne™ platform.

AB: What kind of information is the sub-contractor or vendor required to complete in the form?

LS: So, that’s really up the organization’s administrator. It could be as simple as the company name, PDF file and expiration date. Or, it could be much more sophisticated and ask for limits for each line of coverage. It just really depends on what the organization wants to collect. So, once they review the submitted COIs, they can organize them in the file cabinet within the SafetyOne™ platform. 

AB: I think what’s most important is that the organizations know that they can customize SafetyOne™ to meet their specific needs. We’ve seen some other systems that are so complicated, users just opt not to use them at all. So, utilizing the mobile forms to collect the COIs can make the process really easy and really, the setup is minimal. Lauren, if listeners are interested in learning more about the SafetyOne™ App or how they could utilize it to collect and organize certificates of insurance, who should they contact?

LS: Clients should reach out to their Client Services Coordinator, or anyone at Rancho Mesa and we’ll make sure to get you in touch with the right person.

[Outro Music]

AB: Lauren, thanks for joining me in StudioOne™.

LS: Thanks, Alyssa!

AB: This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa. Thanks for tuning in to our latest episode produced by StudioOne™. For more information, visit us at ranchomesa.com and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. 


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