HR Portal Releases New Personalized Tools for Managing HR Compliance

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal has recently been updated with new HR Compliance features that Rancho Mesa clients can use to manage federal and state regulations based on their company size and location.

A new HR Compliance Dashboard grants visual data and information for better HR management. The interactive chart shows federal and state regulations relevant to each individual company such as OSHA Recordkeeping, Equal Employment Opportunity, and the Family Medical Leave Act.

Additionally, new HR Compliance Insights provide recommendations that companies can take action on to improve their compliance. This is especially useful if an organization adds a new location or increases their employee count.

The HR Compliance Dashboard and Insights can both be found under the “HR Compliance” dropdown on the top left of the blue menu bar. You can login to view the HR Compliance Dashboard and My Insights User Guide provided by the HR Portal. 

For more information about the features Rancho Mesa offers clients in the HR portal, contact your client services coordinator.


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