Enhanced Flexibility of SafetyOne™ Observations with New Wildcard Field

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

New changes have recently been made to the Observation Module in the SafetyOne™ platform.

The Observations user interface has been redesigned in both the SafetyOne™ administrator website and the mobile app. Administrators can now create a custom text field, that Rancho Mesa has named the “Wildcard Field”, that will be added to an observation in the mobile app. This new feature is not a requirement for an observation, and can be set as “active” or “inactive”.

The Wildcard Field will increase flexibility for Rancho Mesa clients using the SafetyOne™ platform, and will provide clients a place to document specific information, unique to their company’s process, while they are performing their safety observations.

The new field differs from preexisting SafetyOne™ features because of its more general use. In the past, safety administrators were only able to make notes on the individual questions and general notes on the entire observation. There previously was not a place to indicate specific identifiers that might be useful when analyzing company data across multiple reports.

For example, when conducting a fall protection observation, users can take advantage of the Wildcard Field to highlight key elements of that particular observation. So far, clients are using it to track phases of work, a specific building on a campus, room numbers, or logging permit numbers.

To set up this new field, first go to the administrator website. On the Observations screen, the new “Settings” tab now includes the Observation Report format options, plus the new wildcard field settings. Using this tab, the administrator can tell SafetyOne™ what the label of the wildcard field should be in the SafetyOne™ mobile app.

If an administrator does not need the Wildcard Field, unchecking the “Active” box will hide it on the Observation screen in the mobile app. If a user does choose to use the wildcard field, it can be made required or optional.

For questions about the use of the new Wildcard Field in SafetyOne™, contact your Client Technology Coordinator.


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