Rancho Mesa Supports FHCSD's Spirit of the Barrio Fundraiser

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications & Client Services Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, March 10, 2023 the Rancho Mesa team attended Family Health Centers of San Diego's Spirit of the Barrio.

Attendees enjoyed a tamale lunch, while helping raise funds for the San Diego community. A panel of regional leaders opened patrons’ eyes to county wide concerns, as they addressed the severity of homelessness, and the power of strategic partnerships.

Rancho Mesa is proud to have served the incredible organization for 25 years. To learn how you can support our San Diego community, please visit www.fhcsd.org/spirit-of-the-barrio.

About Family Health Center’s of San Diego
For over 50 years, Family Health Centers of San Diego’s (FHCSD) mission has been to provide caring, affordable, high-quality health care and supportive services to everyone, with a special commitment to uninsured, low-income, and medically underserved persons. To learn more information, please visit www.fhcsd.org.


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