Drew Garcia Goes National in NALP’s The Landscape Professionals

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Services Inc.

It’s no secret that Drew Garcia, Vice President of Rancho Mesa’s Landscape Group, has been helping landscape clients for years in best practices and how to stay safe on the job. But now, he is going national to help landscape professionals all over the country, again!

In this month’s NALP’s The Landscape Professionals Magazine, Drew breaks down the five things landscape companies can do to lower their Experience Modification Rates (XMOD). 

“Landscape companies with a low Experience Modification Rating typically exhibit similar best practices when dealing with work-related injuries. Their proactive approach helps close claims faster and returns employees to work sooner than their counterpart,” writes Drew Garcia.

The NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals) represents almost 100,000 landscape industry professionals around the world. Specializing in landscape design and installation, lawn care, maintenance and more, the national trade association is made up of students, consultants, state associations and affiliate members, plus industry suppliers. Their mission is “to advocate for lawn and landscape industry growth and the benefits we provide to our communities.”

To learn more about how to lower your XMOD, contact Drew Garcia at (619) 937-0200 or drewgarcia@ranchomesa.com.


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