Rancho Mesa's Sam Brown Appears in 'My MAAC Story' Video

Rancho Mesa’s Sam Brown, Vice President of the Human Services Group, is featured in MAAC’s recently released video “My MAAC Story - Katie.”

Katie talks about her journey with MAAC and how the program taught her valuable life skills like writing a resume, opening a bank account, and enrolling in a technical training course that has helped her put her life back on track. Sam Brown praises MAAC for providing programs that directly help our communities. 

Rancho Mesa is honored to partner with MAAC, as they continue to help individuals, like Katie, transform their lives and communities.

Video Provided by MAAC.
“We thank Rancho Mesa for partnering with us, as together we strive to make San Diego a better place.” - MAAC

About MAAC
In 1965, MAAC was founded upon a vision to provide a place where local families in need could find the means to self-sufficiency. Together, members from the San Diego Chapter of the GI Forum, Hermandad Mexicana, Laborer’s Local #89, Association of Mexican-American Educators, and the Council of Latin American Clubs, along with other leaders of San Diego’s Mexican American community turned their vision into reality and founded the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty.To learn more, visit www.maacproject.org.


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