Chase Hixson Speaks to Home Care Companies on Workers’ Compensation Issues

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.


Rancho Mesa's Chase Hixson, Account Executive in the Human Services Group, spoke at the San Diego Regional Home Care Council General Meeting on Thursday, February 15th, 2018.  

The meeting's focus was insurance for home care companies. It was very productive as company owners and managers gathered to hear what insurance professionals had to say about the industry and its insurance challenges.

The discussion centered around risk management, including hiring practices, return-to-work programs, employee training, and fully utilizing carrier offerings. In addition, potential pitfalls with automobile coverage, theft of client’s property and what to look for when selecting a carrier were also discussed.

The San Diego Regional Home Care Council provides professional networking and education, while promoting standards of practice for the home care community.  

To learn more, contact Chase Hixson at (619) 438-6905.


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