Sam Brown Presents Risk Management Techniques and Strategies to Nonprofit Leaders


Nonprofit leaders gathered from far and wide at the University of San Diego Nonprofit Institute’s 14th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium on January 26th and 27th, 2018.

This year’s theme, People, Place and Performance: The Triple Bottom Line for Nonprofit Governance, provided attendees and speakers alike with the inspiration needed to make it the best nonprofit symposium in recent memory.

Sam Brown, Vice President, Human Services Group at Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, offered insight into risk management for nonprofit leaders during his presentation titled "Risk Management: Strategy & Tools to Protect Vital Assets."

“I asked the workshop’s attendees to view risk management as an evaluation and decision-making tool when encountering uncertainty. Yes, we want to reduce the chance of an event that could harm a nonprofit’s objectives, but uncertainty can also provide opportunity. In other words, some risk-taking is worth the opportunity to further the Mission,” explains Sam.


Aside from offering terrific networking opportunities, USD states “the purpose of the Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium is to highlight current best practices, lessons learned from the field, and trends in effective nonprofit and philanthropic board leadership, as well as board recruitment and retention.”

“I found the event to be truly top notch,” commented Sam. “It’s exciting to visit with leaders in our field of expertise. So many great ideas and experiences were shared. I’m just happy to contribute to the community.”

 USD’s Nonprofit Institute will hold its next event in Fall of 2018. 


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