Focus on preventing Back Injuries: Introducing Rancho Mesa’s A.B.L.E Lift Protocol and the “Field” Mobility & Stretch Program
Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services.
Mobility & Stretch Program and ABLE Lift Protocol flyers.
Physical work is demanding on our bodies. As the employer, what are you doing to help your employees prepare for the day’s work? Collectively, the most severe injuries come from the lower back by way of strain or sprain as a result of lifting. It’s not always the heavier objects causing the injuries. In many cases, early morning “light” lifts or movements can quickly cause a strain or sprain. Eliminating lifting exposures is the ultimate solution to limiting back strains; however, it is not always possible. Interactively training your employees to accurately lift material with proper technique is a preventive approach you can implement today to limit your businesses lifting exposure.
Following the success of our “Truck” Mobility and Stretch Program, Rancho Mesa is excited to announce, in conjunction with Collin Dawson CPT., A.B.L.E. “Lift” Protocol to help physically train your employees to execute proper lift decision making and establish the correct physical eliminates it takes to perform a lift. Not all lifts are the same, each one contains different variables, but the same simple body positioning and lift techniques are relevant no matter the exposure.
Our “Truck” Mobility and Stretch Program was highly received and ultimately implemented by many of our clients. Over the past nine months we have worked to address the need for a Mobility and Stretch Program to be lower back specific, but with the ability to perform the exercises without the support of a truck or wall.
We knew the Mobility and Stretch Program would be beneficial. We were surprised to see the amount of clients willing to incorporate this program and ultimately are very pleased with the results, almost one year in. We challenged Collin to create another program that could be performed in a group setting without sacrificing the main purpose of the routine, which is to flex and strengthen the core muscles surrounding the back while providing total body activation. Our “Field” Mobility and Stretch Program does just that, but also provides some opportunity for participants to slowly begin to establish a better center of balance and body awareness, which can be practically applied to the work day and life. We hope this program will be just as well received.
Register for October 25, 2018 webinar where we will detail A.B.L.E. Lift and the recently developed “Field” Mobility and Stretch Program. Only those who attend the webinar will receive the following:
A PDF Mobility and Stretch Program branded to your company (upon request, 10-15 business days to process) “Truck” and “Field” Series
PDF version of A.B.L.E. Lift (8.5x11 and Poster Size)
Recognition on Rancho Mesa website for your participation in the workshop
30-minute complimentary phone assessment with Collin Dawson about these programs and further implementation strategies.
And remember, “Only lift if you are A.B.L.E.”!