CIGA is “Back in Black” - Employers will receive 2% savings on 2019 workers' comp premium

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

For the first time in 20 years, the California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA) will not collect its annual assessment. As a result, California employers in the guaranteed cost workers' compensation insurance market will save 2% on their premium in 2019.


The CIGA board of directors approved a zero assessment for 2019, as it moved into the black after collecting last year’s 2% assessment on workers' compensation premiums. At one point, CIGA had a workers, compensation deficit of $4 Billion. The 20 years of employer assessments, ranging from 1% to 2.6% of premium, paid off workers' compensation debt and in some years the debt payments on special bonds issued to pay claims from insurance company insolvencies. 

Similar to the rest of the Industry, CIGA’s improved fortune results from positive reforms provided in SB 863, as well as the efforts of Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker.


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