Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

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The Future of Risk Management: Rancho Mesa Launches SafetyOne™ Mobile Application

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. would like to formally announce the launch of its very own SafetyOne™ Mobile and Desktop Application, a platform that will allow clients to integrate risk management with mobile convenience.   

In our continual commitment to meet our client’s needs, Rancho Mesa will be discontinuing our previous risk management platform to make way for new technology. SafetyOne™ will allow companies to effectively manage their safety and risk management needs directly through any mobile device. 

“I’m so excited about the launch of our SafetyOne™ app. Our amazing client services team has spearheaded the implementation of SafetyOne™,” Dave Garcia, President of Rancho Mesa, said. “Personal training, on-demand videos, and regularly scheduled webinars will ensure quick understanding and use of the SafetyOne™ App for our clients.”

SafetyOne™ is designed to carry out an effective safety program within your organization. With a variety of features, clients can administer tailgate talks, perform safety observations, complete mobile forms such as incident reports, and access company policies and files all from their mobile device.

“The SafetyOne™ App is really going to streamline our clients' safety programs through real-time data and intuitive technology. Plus, with minimal setup required, we expect clients to start using it right away," Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, said.

Rancho Mesa is looking forward to offering clients a unique risk management experience as well as a library of online safety training courses to assure they are best equipped to manage their risk.

“We’ve had a focus group of clients using it for the past six weeks and their reactions and excitement have been off the charts. We’ve been working for the last several years to create a mobile app that has the ability to assign trainings to employees, conduct those trainings in the field, and then digitally track their completion,” Garcia said. 

With the new platform officially launched, Rancho Mesa’s client services team will begin reaching out to clients directly to start their personal onboarding process into the new platform.

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