Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

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Beyond a Single Bond: How We Help Contractors Stay Ahead of Their Surety Needs

Author, Matt Gaynor, Director of Surety, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

We recently issued a very large bond for one of our contractor clients which prompted a discussion during the underwriting process about potentially moving their account to a surety carrier with a larger capacity. However, after enjoying a seven-year relationship with the current bond company and receiving an early indication that they could support the larger bond request, this provided us with an initial understanding that we might be okay staying with the current carrier.

Most bond companies will provide their agency partners, like Rancho Mesa, with a range of support for their typical bond programs. For example, they may indicate they are looking to support established contractors with single bonds up to $40,000,000 range and work programs up to the $80,000,000 range with the caveat that they can go higher for specific accounts.

So, once we had the initial indication, the next step was to talk to our contractor client about the potential size of their future projects that might require bonding over the next few months. Based on that discussion, we realized it was actually time to find a bond company with much larger capacity to fit our client’s future needs. So, the discussion turned from support for this particular large bond to ensuring we had support for larger capacity both today and in the future.

We successfully placed the contractor with a larger carrier by focusing on really understanding the client’s business over the long term instead of just considering a particular bond at a particular time. The additional communication was key. 

If you would like more information about ways to ensure you are placed with the best bond company to fit your needs, please contact me at (619) 937-0165 or mgaynor@ranchomesa.com.

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