Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

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What To Do When Your X-MOD is over 125

Author, Drew Garcia, Landscape Division Leader, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

If your Experience MOD (i.e., X-MOD, Ex Mod) is over 125, expect to receive a letter from the California Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) Consultation Branch. If you haven't received the letter, yet, you can be proactive and reach out to OSHA Consultation. Although it sounds intimidating, keep in mind, OSHA Consultation is only there to help you.

Contact your local OSHA Consultation Branch and schedule an on-site visit. The branch offices can be found on the Cal/OSHA website.

The consultation visit starts with an opening conference where consultation will explain the process. They will review your safety programs, walk your facility and visit your job sites. Once the consultation is complete, they will send you a written report within 20 days that documents their visit and provides you with the areas in which you need improvement.

After the consultation, make the corrections Cal/OSHA requests. Then, send them the “Employer Report of Correction” indicating the action taken to correct the hazard and action taken to prevent reoccurrence of hazards listed as serious. 

Cal/OSHA Consultation vs. Cal-OSHA Enforcement

There are two branches in Cal/OSHA, Consultation and Enforcement. The Enforcement Branch issues fines and penalties. The Consultation Branch is a free service you can utilize to make sure your business is working safely and within regulation. 

For additional information, please visit; https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications/ConsultOverview.pdf#zoom=100. 

Now that you have completed your work with OSHA Consultation, it’s time to focus on the proper techniques you can take as the employer to lower and control your experience MOD.  For the critical elements that go into to this, please reach out to Rancho Mesa for further guidance.